Powerful Money Mantras

powerful money mantras

Powerful money mantras to bring you financial increase


Powerful money mantras are amazing affirmations that will flood your life with lots of money, if you believe.

Most of my adult life has been spent trying to manifest large sums of money. Getting into the flow of attracting money had been next to impossible until I shifted my mind.

My expectation was for money to flow to me through the works of my hand. The one thing I did not know was I could manifest money using my mind. I was on the right path, but traveling in the wrong direction. I was desperate to manifest money and could not relax just thinking about it.

Constantly thinking about ways to make money, I was all over the map when it came to manifesting the dollar. Now don’t get me wrong; I wanted money, but not selfish or greedy reasons. My goal was to manifest money to pay bills. So I started this journey to attract more financial abundance.

Creating financial abundance

Firstly, I started a blog and created multiple businesses. As a result, I dreamed and worked towards my goals every day.

Secondly, when I made a few pennies here and there I gave. If I made $100 I would give 10% to a ministry or special cause. Whenever I gave it would come back to me in some form of need. Grateful am I.

Thirdly, and most importantly, when I realized I had the power to get wealth I began using this life-changing power with awesome results.

In conclusion, golden nuggets and positive thoughts dropped into my mind. This changed the game for me.

Also, thinking big became a part of my daily ritual. Now that I know it is okay to dream big, I dream big. Seeing myself having tons of money has been a game changer helping me to manifest large sums of money.

Do you want to know how I manifest money easily, quickly and effortlessly? I know you do so please, keep reading.

Once I relaxed my mind and learned the right way to manifest money, it began flowing into my life effortlessly!

If you want to manifest money, you can start right now by doing this. Relax your body and ease your mind. Breathe in and exhale.

Here’s how I attract money into my life and you can too.

I started writing my own personalized affirmations and reciting them daily on a consistent basis. I learned consistency is key!

The powerful money mantra below puts you in the flow and help you manifest financial abundance into your life easily, quickly and almost effortlessly. These powerful affirmations work to get you into the flow of attracting money into your bank account. This money mantra really works! I use it everyday. Talk about life changing! For this money mantra to work for you, you have to believe!

If you’re ready to take the next step into abundance, get ready for the journey!

Be Grateful and Give Back!

First of all, being grateful and sincerely thankful for all the things that you already have is extremely important. Giving thanks to God is vital. Talking to and praying to God with your faith deeply rooted in Him starts the manifestation process. It doesn’t matter what you have, where you live, how big your house is or how much food you have in your fridge, you have to be thankful. It is essential that you speak words of thanksgiving from the heart. This is first and foremost.

Secondly, you have to work towards achieving your goals. Manifesting money is really easy when you have made up your mind to work towards the things you want using the gifts you have been given. Listen, you can sit and speak your mantra all day long, but if you don’t take inspired action you are wasting your time. Manifesting money doesn’t have to be hard, but there are certain steps that you need to take in order to manifesting money into your life.

If you have dreams of becoming your own boss then by all means create your own blog or start your own business. When you use your gifts from God and start a business from your vision, you will manifest money like crazy.

The next thing is to speak money affirmations everyday. You can, literally, speak what you want into existence. You have to feel and believe that the money will come to you when you decree and declare it. So are you ready to get started speaking your large sums of money into existence? Let’s go!

Powerful money mantra; get ready to receive your wealth

When you speak these powerful money mantras into and over your life, speak them with emotion and feel the power. Let these affirmations resonate with your mind, heart and soul and expect financial windfalls and breakthroughs to come to you quickly and effortlessly.

  • I am abundance
  • I am money
  • I am rich in every way.
  • Money loves me deeply and sincerely.
  • Money wants me to have more than enough money.
  • Money works for me.
  • I have a rich reservoir of resources and money.
  • Abundance and prosperity follow me everywhere I go
  • Abundance, money, prosperity, riches and I have an amazing relationship.
  • I am a rich reservoir of overflowing abundance.
  • Abundance is in me.
  • Abundance and success are my gifts.
  • Abundance knows my name.
  • I attract abundance to me everyday of my life
  • Abundance and success look for me and always find me.
  • Everything I do prospers.
  • I am gold.
  • I am an abundance of great wealth.
  • I am successful.
  • Every single day money is going to come to me way one or another.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I attract money to me easily, effortlessly and very quickly.
  • Money flows and comes to me in great avalanches of abundance.
  • I claim large sums of money for me and my family.
  • Money just loves me.
  • Money adores me.
  • The Washingtons, Lincolns, Jacksons, Hamiltons, Grants and the Benjamin’s have always been attracted to me and they come to me in droves.
  • Penny, dime, nickel and quarter keep flowing into my rich reservoir. My well is filled to the brim with them all.
  • I am an abundance prosperity magnet enjoying success and riches wealth and money all throughout my life.
  • I have tons and tons of large sums of money.
  • Money is constantly flowing into my life in expected and unexpected ways every day all day long.
  • I am beyond rich.

These are some of the most powerful money mantras that you can use to manifest money quickly.

Speak these affirmations with emotion and feel the power when you use them. Use them daily, be thankful and don’t forget to give. Enjoy!

Cynthia Boyer

