Fear comes in many forms and can have a major impact on your life.
It has the potential and power to keep you in bondage unless you address fear with faith believing that you can push this step stilling obstacle out of your way and away from your life. Say unto this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea……Mark 11:24.
If fear is that one enormous hurdle preventing you from living your most abundant life ever let’s, make a plan to remove fear from your life.
First you must ask yourself, Why am I fearful? Who am I fearful? Is this giant going to stay with me forever?
Well, in order to remove fear from your life you need to have a powerful system in place so that once fear scatters, it will not return to you again.
This is what I want you to do. Write down any events that have transpired in your life that makes you fearful starting from your childhood or whatever point in your life when you became fearful. Write it all down in full sentences and paragraphs if needed.
Once you’ve written down your reasons for being scared we are going to do fear releasing exercises that will help you take your first step into your new abundant life. You are going to love this euphoric feeling. Open your mind to receive the amazing feeling that promises to overtake you when you do this very first step.
Even though It’s going to take time and it’s not going to be the easiest task you’ll complete, you can and will do this. It will be an ongoing process until you erase fear completely from your life. The amazing thing here is that it can be done so go on and get excited. You are preparing to create and design a plan for your life so profound you’ll see and feel the effects the moment you execute this plan.
Releasing fear from your life is a step by step experience to be completely honest. You have to make up your mind that this is exactly what you want for your life. You have to be committed. Once you are committed to doing this for yourself things will start happening in your life that will move you closer to standing up to fear. Each new day will show you, through some goal or life changing event, that fear has no place in your life.
Do you know that you have the power to get wealth and in that power you can relinquish fear from every aspect of your life beautiful life. When you begin to speak and command fear to flew from you seven ways, you can tell it to be cast into the sea and it will, but you must believe! There is power in believing.
Facing Fear with Faith
Are you aware of the fact that faith is the one thing that can help you to release fear from your life. Yes, faith can be that one special component that is going to help you shake off all your fear. Once you realize that you are being clothed with faith fear will have no choice, but to flee.
Now we are going to deepen your faith to remove fear from your life so that you can clearly see your way to opulence and prosperity.
The Game Changing Recipe of Faith
Being enveloped with faith is a real game changer. Faith is enriching, enlightening, empowering transforming and uplifting. It is your life-loving discovery that will have you doing things you knew were possible, but were afraid to try. You’ll be climbing mountains and attaining all of the goals that have been laying on the table of your heart collecting dust. Wherever you are let’s start your faith walk right now and prosper your life forever.
Faith. Hebrews 11:1.
How to deepen your faith, face your fears and unleash the phenomenal power that is overflowing inside you. You are abundant. You are a rich reservoir. Let’s water those seeds to grow lillies and Lavender. your life.
Fear Is Going To Help You To Face Fear
Releasing Fear from your life exercises. It starts in your mind. Build momentum
Fear has no place in your life. You were created to be abundant, wealthy, rich and prosperous. Think of yourself as a bountiful Harvest. You are a horn of plenty with crops overflowing.
Are you ready to prosper your life like a land of milk and honey. If so, please, keeping reading.
I want you to incorporate and speak these words into your mind with a deep sense and feeling of harmony and happiness flowing into your heart, believing every word that you speak.
Every morning when God wakes you up give Him thanks. Rejoice in Him. Pour out your heart before Him. It doesn’t need to be any eloquent words. Speak from your heart.
Pray to God and ask Him to remove fear from your life. Give God thanks.
Now I want you to keep your bedroom quiet. Stay in bed or sit up. Just get in the most comfortable position for you. You are going to take 12 deep breaths. Deeply inhale and then exhale. And now speak these affirmations.
Today I will speak to my heart and mind and together we will take the necessary steps to releasing fear from my life.
Today I will encourage myself.
Today I will put on the armour of God.
Today I will not be afraid to do what God is calling me to do.
Today I will lift up my hands to give God the glory.
Today I will trust God to guide me, protect me and to clothe me with favor.
Today I will not fear anything.
Today I will not fear anyone.
Today I will step out in faith to live my life to the fullest.
Today I will go forth to use my potential to the fullest to attain my goals.
Today I will not be afraid to speak up for myself and for what I truly believe in should the need arise.
Today I will do what I was afraid to do yesterday.
Today I will do something different that will push me closer to living a fear free life.
Today I will give God thanks for His Holy Presence in my life. Because of God I will now begin to live my life fear free because I now know what it means to have faith in God for He is with me wherever I go.
Written by Cynthia G. Boyer
Give God thanks.
Faith Scriptures in Hebrews and James.